Before Surgery
Surgery is done at Aspen Surgery Center, which is attached to John Muir, Walnut Creek Medical Center (ground floor of main parking garage). The surgery center will call you with an arrival time a few days prior to your surgery. Continue taking all of your normal medications unless otherwise directed. Refrain from solid foods 6 hours before scheduled surgical time.
During Surgery
You will be lightly sedated for the surgery, so you will be calm and relaxed, but not completely asleep. You will have an IV line placed in the preoperative area before surgery. This serves to administer the relaxing medication. Your eye will be numbed and sterilized with drops. Your face will be covered with a sterile drape and your eyelids will be gently held open by a small speculum. Surgery typically lasts around 15 minutes. You should not feel significant pain, but you will feel some slight intermittent pressure and the surgeon’s hands resting on your forehead.
After Surgery
You will be taken to the recovery area with a patch or shield over your eye after surgery. You will be allowed to go home with an escort usually after about 30 minute). Post-operative instructions will be given by your surgeon. The vision will likely be blurry for the rest of the day and night. It is also normal for the eye to feel scratchy and somewhat light sensitive. Severe pain is not normal and should prompt you to call the office.
Visual recovery is usually rapid, and while we don’t promise you will see perfectly the day after surgery, the vision usually clears within a few days. Every eye and every patient is different, and the speed of recovery depends on several factors including the severity of your cataract. It is normal for the eye to feel scratchy and light sensititive at first, but this usually improves significantly over the first week. You may drive as soon as you feel comfortable, starting the day after the surgery.
Post-Operative Care
Wear your plastic shield over the eye while sleeping for the first week after surgery. Take the prescription drops as instructed. You may supplement with preservative-free artificial tear drops if your eye gets scratchy or uncomortable. Avoid getting water in the eye for the first 5 days. Bathing is ok after your day one check with your surgeon. Let the water run over your face with the eye gently closed and dab dry before opening. Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activity for the first 5 days. Call the office for significant pain, redness, or worsening vision.