Presbyopia is a a normal part of the aging process, during which the eyes gradually lose the ability to focus at a close range, despite mantaining the ability to see far objects clearly. It occurs when the lens of the eye loses its flexibility to increase its focusing power, causing loss of the ability to shift focus from far to near objects. Most patients begin to show signs of presbyopia in their early-to-mid 40s. Typically, the condition worsens until about age 65. If you are naturally nearsighted (myopic), you may retain the ability to read well without glasses even into older age, but will lose the ability to read when you look throught the distance portion of your glasses.

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Treatment of Presbyopia

Treatment of presbyopia is designed to help patients focus clearly on nearby objects. This can be accomplished nonsurgically or with a surgical procedure.

Cataract Surgery for Presbyopia

Multifocal artificial lens implant can be used during cataract surgery to correct for the full range of vision (from far to near).  These lens implants are considered a premium options and would carry an out-of-pocket expense.