A cataract is a painless clouding of the eye’s natural lens that is caused by a change in the lens protein structure.  Cataract development is usually a normal process of aging.  When the cataract starts to cause bothersome visual symptoms, it is usually reasonable to consider cataract surgery.  During the surgery, your natural clouded lens is removed and replaced with an artificial lens implant (IOL) designed to last you the rest of your life.  The primary benefit of cataract surgery is better quality vision (less glare, brighter, better contrast, etc).  For those patients with an existing need for glasses, a secondary benefit may be to reduce your dependence on glasses after surgery (this can be done by tailoring the IOL type and power to your visual needs).

Recovery from Cataract Surgery

Recovery is very quick, with vision usually clearing within a few days of the surgery. Because only a light dose of anesthesia is used, patients may be a bit tired or woosey the night after the surgery, but usually feel back to normal by the next morning. The eye may feel scratchy and a bit light sensitive for the few days after surgery, but these issues usually resolve rapidly.

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